What if the human psyche could be combed like hair?
The hairdresser of human souls would stand over the customer and say:
"Anxiety? Do you want it as a perm or a tint? I will make your compulsions and obsessions into the most exquisite hairstyle the world has ever seen. First a wash, then a blow dry, and in the meantime maybe we'll bleach out the black thoughts a little... Or highlights? So that it’s not too light?"
And then she would cut, comb, nurse the ends until she'd finally shape your soul into your wanted form. You could wear it to the prom, or even just to work.
She would then sweep the clipped fears and worries into a pile on the floor, scoop them up with a dustpan, and put them in a giant bag with the ones from the day before and the day before that...."