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Art Exhibition in Hlinsko – The Gateway to a Dream Opens!

If I had to describe my world in one word, it would be blending. Blending dreams and reality, colors and words, the outer and the inner. And that’s exactly what my new art exhibition in Hlinsko – The Gateway to a Dream is about. It opens on March 27, 2024, at 5:00 PM at the Municipal Museum and Gallery Hlinsko.

 What will you find at the art exhibition in Hlinsko?

That’s the question. Maybe old dreams that never faded. Maybe paintings that demand attention. Maybe a magician – and who knows what he will reveal?

You will step into a colorful universe, where mysterious plants, strange creatures, and a world that might only exist between the lines of ancient manuscripts meet. Colors speak, lights tremble, and maybe something moves in the shadows… or is it just a trick of the mind?

How do you capture demons in a dream?

That’s a question I ask myself – and maybe you do too. How do you transform dark inner worlds into art? How do you give them shape? I talk about this in an interview for, where you can learn more about my work and how I see art as a gateway to different realities.

Read the article here: Hunting My Demons in a Dream

When and where does the art exhibition in Hlinsko open?

Opening night: March 27, 2024, at 5:00 PM

I look forward to seeing you – and who knows what might happen that evening?

 A look inside Klára Sedlo’s studio – preparing works for the art exhibition in Hlinsko


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