A few sentences about me
I am a painter. In my work, I mainly focus on psychology and the subconscious. Although my paintings can be looked-upon logically, I want them to speak to the subconscious and imagination, bypassing the viewer's logic entirely. My art should provoke feelings.
Applying synesthesia, I work with perceptions in the form of colors, shapes, and visions.
On the canvas, I depict certain situations, relationships and emotions through the lens of bizarre symbolic representations.
How are these situations and feelings processed by the subconscious and projected into our dreams? How is a childhood memory distorted by the ravages of time? That is what I hope to capture and share through my art.
However, it's not purely about the scene itself - it's about the arrangement.
Although shapes and volumes constitute objects or people, they are of sole surface and color; therefore, I create an arrangement that supports their meaning.
(Although I am quite chaotic in general, surprisingly, a part of me is intensely analytical. This part has me analyze the composition, the psychology, the work of the eye, and different approaches to painting. I also mix all my colors from three base colors.)
But let’s get back to the subject.
Ideas for paintings come up as visions (numerous during the day), commonly associated with one another. They are tied to one environment, one character and specific relationships.
My painting series usually represent a map of particular fields of my imaginative process. They exhibit the same area from different angles in the Eel-man, the Bizarre holiday, or Friends.
Often, they come together as a story. It feels like I am painting a movie - a movie with emphasis on atmosphere and characters. It indicates the plot but lets the audience create the rest.
2018 - 2020
Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, drawing studio of Jiří Petrbok, studies completed with MgA. degree
2014 - 2018
Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, painting studio of Michael Rittstein
2012 - 2014
Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Education
2004 - 2012
Malostranské gymnasium, Prague

The answer to three questions I get most often:
Where do your ideas come from?
They just simply come up - all the time. Every day, every hour. There are so many that they extend far beyond my capacity (so the presented paintings represent a small percentage of ideas). I am constantly partially immersed in, what I call, the imaginative field - I get my ideas there. (I still think an artist represents a link to something greater).
In short, I don't go anywhere physically for inspiration. It is already within. (I also do not need any stimulants, which is also a common question. I am a teetotaller. If I was to take anything to boost my imagination, I think my brain would explode :)
Since when do you paint?
Honestly, I can't remember. It had to be before my oldest memories. Or rather - I can't remember a time that I didn't paint. Painting was present in my life since my early childhood.
Apart from pop-up children's books, the first book that comes to mind is the History of Art vol. 9 by Pijoan and the painting 'The Disquieting Muses' by G. de Chirico. Ever since I saw that image, art took over me:) I gave that book collection a hard time throughout my childhood - it's well-thumbed.
What would you do if you couldn't paint?
As you can probably expect from the previous question - I don't even know what it's like not to paint :) For me, it's like writing or speaking...
I always somehow knew that I wouldn't be happy if I didn't paint. As the painter, P. Bonnard said: "It's not about painting life, it's about giving your life to painting."